Monday 17 February 2014


When you're on the move, a cold drink can go down a treat. But the convenience of bottles and cans comes at a price to the environment - they often end up on the streets or in landfill. Now some groups reckon Aussies need some encouragement to recycle drink containers and they're looking to one state where that's already happening. Sarah found out more.

Your task: To write a persuasive letter/ piece on recycling 
Do you agree that all states should have a recycling policy? 
What are reasons to not have this policy?
-What about the extra cost involved?
-Consider where the recycling will take place
-Will it cost more money to recycle the old item or is it cheaper to replace it?

Remember: You must know your stance on the issue (agree/ disagree ) and have reasons/ evidence why people should believe you.
Plan your A, B and C reasons
Write introduction using sentence starter/ rhetorical question.
Then begin your paragraphs using 
OREO (opinion, reason, evidence/ example, oreo) or tafe (topic sentence, ask rhetorical, state fact and evidence/ example) 
Remember to extend your paragraphs using evidence, examples and facts ( from sources) to help support your view.

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