Monday 17 February 2014

Water Licenses

We've all heard of buying and selling cars and homes and stuff but did you know farmers buy and sell water? Well they do. And now the Federal Government wants to join in the trade. It's offering millions of dollars to farmers in the Murray Darling Basin. We thought we'd find out why.

In managing the Basin’s natural resources, the MDBC is consistently aware of the crucial link between ‘profitability’ and ‘sustainability’. It promotes awareness of the need for changes to the management of the land and water resources of the Basin and is coordinating salinity management at a Basin scale; including monitoring the health of the Basin rivers and is also responsible for coordinating distribution of water from the Murray River to New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. (read more:

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  1. where does the first farmer get his water from to sell it to other farmers?

  2. i learn t that the farmers sale water

  3. The tap water goes to the rivers.
    What types of animals live there?
    Why does tap water go to the river?
    Why do the farmers have to get a little bit of water?

  4. Why do people waste water for unusefull stuff?
    Why are the Murray Darling and the other rivers attached?

  5. Why is water important to everyone?
    Does everyone use Murray rivers water?
    Where does Murray rivers and Murray Darling Basins water go?
    What plant or animal lives at Murray Darling Basin?
    How many species are endangered in Murray Darling Basin?
    Is Murray Darling Basin important to Australia?

  6. Why do farmers need water?
    Do animals drink clean water?
    Where do the water go?
    Do we have good water?

  7. why don't farmers keep there own water?
    how do they trade it?
