Monday 17 February 2014

Reel Sport

It's one of the most popular participation sports in Australia but you're unlikely to find it on the back pages of a newspaper. And you'd be hard pressed to name the current world champion. So why is it the sport of fishing so often goes under the radar?

Comment below answering the following question (you may need to research this further)
1. What happens if areas are over fished?
2. How do they monitor who catches what fish?
3. Explain one certain permit/ rule that applies to fishing.
4. What happens if you don't follow that rule?
5. Why do we have these rules?
6. How does this help sustainability? 
7. Research one sport competitor who fishes and tell me one interesting fact (Be sure to copy website address/ url for source information otherwise it will not be posted)


  1. 1. over fished means the place is full of fish
    2. Fishery management involves how much fishermen can catch to ensure that they will be able to fish now and for generations to come.
    3. one rule is don't take baby fishes

    1. 4. You will get a fine
      5. so when the fishes bigger we can catch them
      6. to make the environment bigger
      7. a guy named anglers that used to be the best fisher

  2. 1. If there are lots of people fishing then there will be no more fish left in the area.
    2. ?
    3. Don't catch little fish.
    4. If you catch little fish then they wont grow up and then the fish popularity will decrease.
    5. ?
    6. This helps sustainability by making a bigger population to help the environment
    7. ... (we didnt get to finish)

    1. 1. What happens if areas are over fished?
      If the area is over fished then there will be no fish to fish.

      2. How do they monitor who catches what fish?
      They monitor who catches what fish by checking your buckets or tubs to see if there is any little fish.

      3. Explain one certain permit/ rule that applies to fishing.
      One rule that is applied to fishing is don't catch little fish.

      4. What happens if you don't follow that rule?
      If you don't follow the rule and catch a baby/little fish then they won't grow up and then the fish popularity will decrease.

      5. Why do we have these rules?
      We have these rules to keep the animals safe.

      6. How does this help sustainability?
      This helps sustainability by making a bigger population to help the environment.

      7. Research one sport competitor who fishes and tell me one interesting fact (Be sure to copy website address/ url for source information otherwise it will not be posted)

      Miss Morris I couldn't find a sport competitor but I found a fact about fishing: Recreational fishing, also called sport fishing, is fishing for pleasure or competition. It can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is fishing for profit, or subsistence fishing, which is fishing for survival.

    2. Miss Morris I did it!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. It didnt publish it before I wrote that finish for homework comment. You need to try use some of the question in your answer too. We will work on this in reading over the next few weeks

  3. 1. If they are over fished you put it back in the water.
    2. They might do a special check.
    3.You cant eat small fish and you can only take a certain amount of fish.
    4.You can get banned for not following the rule.
    5.To keep people safe and fishes safe.
    6.Because if your not eat the small fishes your making the small fish grow.

    1. One good compeititor is James and like to fish on a boat and likes to pull up big sized fish.

    2. Fantastic Hamzi, I am glad you pressed reply and added #7.

  4. 1. ?
    2. ?
    5. We have these rules to keep our fishes safe.
    6. It is sustainable because if we catch fishes that are born they might not be able to breath and explore the sea.

    1. Also, on the blog. I have put up Division activites that will help you with fact families. This helps when solving 3- larger digit number division sums

    2. 1. What happens if areas are over fished?

      If areas are over fished no more fishermen will come to the same area to fish again.

      2. How do they monitor who catches what fish?

      They monitor your fish to see what size it is and to see if it is a baby fish and if it is they will give you a fine saying this fine is for you because you did not throw the baby fish back in.

      3. Explain one certain permit/ rule that applies to fishing.

      One rule that is applied to fishing is don't catch little fish.

      4. What happens if you don't follow that rule?

      If you do not follow the rules for fishing they will get you banned from fishing.

      5. Why do we have these rules?

      We have these rules to let baby fishes grow bigger.

      6. How does this help sustainability?

      This is sustainable because if we catch fishes that are born they might not be able to grow bigger and learn to breath.

      7. Research one sport competitor who fishes and tell me one interesting fact (Be sure to copy website address/ url for source information otherwise it will not be posted)

      One sport competitor is Jared Jeffries because he likes fishing with his friends.

      URL source:

  5. why do people always have to get big fish

  6. -Is fishing going to cause a problem for the fish and our sustainability?
    -Could fishing cause so many problems that it has to stop?
    -When was fishing considered a sport?
    -Why is fishing so popular in Australia?
    -Could people fish so much that we would run out of fish in the sea?
    -Is fishing going to be a popular future sport?

    1. Your task, as written above is to answer the questions set. I like the questions you have generated, however it is not the task.
      Please complete task for homework

  7. 1. Areas get over fished because there is too many fish in that area?
    2. The sea police go on their boats and go for a random check up and see if they are size?
    3. The rule is to make sure you don’t take the smaller fish and measure the size of the fish?
    4. If you don’t follow the rule then you will get a fine?
    5. We have these rules because if you catch a fish that’s small then you are killing a baby fish?
    6. This helps sustainability because you are helping make a bigger population?
    7. (couldn't find a fishing competitor)

    1. Asli, I love thaty you have answered these in full sentences. #7 is fine. Im glad you did this task set.

  8. Fatima, I would like you to try use parts of the question in your answer, it will stop you having to write out the question again. We can work on this together if you'd like

  9. 1. If the place is over fished the population of the fish would stop and we wont be able to eat a lot of
    2. The guards were going over to family's or others to see if they caught the right sized fish.
    3. You have to catch a fish that is big enough to take home but if you catch one that is too small
    you have to release it back into the water
    4. You can get fined or banned from the area.
    5. We have to follow the rules because we need to have enough fish in our seas and lakes it's just
    our cars drive in the speed limit.
    6. These rules help sustainability because we need to keep our fish population.
    7. Zyg gorgic caught 9 species of sharks.

  10. the fishing gards wiil take them to wherer ever there is spase on the water

  11. 1What happens if areas are over fished?
    If the area is over fished then there will be no fish to fish

    2How do they monitor who catches what fish?
    They monitor who catches what fish by checking your buckets or tubs to see if there is any little fish.

    3Explain one certain permit/ rule that applies to fishing.
    One rule that is applied to fishing is don't catch little fish.

    4What happens if you don't follow that rule?
    If you don't follow the rule and catch a baby/little fish then they won't grow up and then the fish popularity will decrease.

    5Why do we have these rules?
    We have these rules to keep the animals safe.

    6How does this help sustainability?
    This is sustainable because if we catch fishes that are born they might not be able to grow bigger and learn to breath.
