Tuesday 4 March 2014

Color Editting

If you write a story, you always have to edit. You have to check spelling, punctuation, grammar, vocabulary and if your story makes sense. Editing is all these things in a story. Editing is one of the most important parts of making a story. Who wants to read a story with every thing not making sense? If you didn't have editing why have a story? At a newspaper, editing is a important job. If punctuation is wrong a reader may not understand it, and if the grammar is wrong then the reader won't get what you are saying.

One way you can edit your paper is by color editing.
Color editing can be done right on your paper using colored pencils or pens, or you can use an overhead transparency and dry erase markers.

Green: Underline every capital letter in green. Then put a green box around every letter that starts a sentence.

Red: Put a red box around the punctuation mark (".", "!" or the "?") at the end of every sentence.
Check: Do the number of green boxes equal the number of red boxes? If they don't, something is wrong - because every beginning of a sentence has to have an ending!

Orange: Circle the word "and" every time you use it in a story. Did you use it too much? Maybe you don't use "and" too much, but what about the word "then" or "like". You know what words you use a lot - so look for those words by circling them in orange.

Blue: Read your story out loud (not too loud if you're in class!) and put a dot above every word AS YOU SAY IT! This will help you find words that you missed.

Black: Read the story backward and look for words that aren't spelled right.

Finally - reread your corrected story! See if it looks right and makes sense.

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