Thursday 26 June 2014

Animal Extinction

Should we try to save every animal facing extinction?

That's the question being asked after a new UN climate report card said Australia will continue to get hotter in the future and because of that some native species might face extinction. The government spends a lot of money trying to stop native animals from dying out but some scientists say we should ONLY put that money towards helping some of them. It's a controversial idea and after watching this BTN story 5/6's were asked what they thought.

List your opinion following the clip below. Remember to only use your first name, otherwise your comment will not be posted.  

After listing your comment, review those made by grade 6's from Wanervale Primary School has asked, with 85% saying Yes.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Chance and data


How likely something is to happen.
Many events can't be predicted with total certainty. The best we can say is how likely they are to happen, using the idea of probability.

Tossing a Coin 

When a coin is tossed, there are two possible outcomes:
  • heads (H) or
  • tails (T)
We say that the probability of the coin landing H is ½.
And the probability of the coin landing T is ½.

pair of dice

Throwing Dice 

When a single die is thrown, there are six possible outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
The probability of any one of them is 1/6.


In general:
Probability of an event happening = Number of ways it can happen

Total number of outcomes

Example: the chances of rolling a "4" with a die

Number of ways it can happen: 1 (there is only 1 face with a "4" on it)
Total number of outcomes: 6 (there are 6 faces altogether)
So the probability =   1


Example: there are 5 marbles in a bag: 4 are blue, and 1 is red. What is the probability that a blue marble will be picked?

Number of ways it can happen: 4 (there are 4 blues)
Total number of outcomes: 5 (there are 5 marbles in total)
So the probability =   4   = 0.8


Probability Line

You can show probability on a Probability Line:
Probability is always between 0 and 1

Probability is Just a Guide

Probability does not tell us exactly what will happen, it is just a guide

Example: toss a coin 100 times, how many Heads will come up?

Probability says that heads have a ½ chance, so we would expect 50 Heads.
But when you actually try it out you might get 48 heads, or 55 heads ... or anything really, but in most cases it will be a number near 50.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

When to change paragraphs

The secret life of...

Multiplication online games

Jim Jim plays the drums- Quick recall on multiplication facts 0-9 : Using drums 6-9

Disco Dino- Recall on facts 0-12 

Pirate Game: Multiply numbers by powers of 10

Basketball Math: Can you get the multiplication question right to shoot for goal?

As usual, if you find any other games, be sure to copy the link into the comment box below


Plus- Minus- Interesting

LI: To be able to review clip using P-M-I chart.

Watch the following BTN clip: Animal Extinction :

List the positive (plus) aspects discussed within the clip. Complete this for the negative (minus) and interesting parts.

Interesting can be aspects you didn't consider before, new information learnt or something you think is both plus/ minus from the topic. 

Thursday 27 March 2014

WCF Monday/ Tuesday

Compare and Contrast- What does this mean?

What is the difference between the two? 

WCF Reponse Task: 
Following your individual research from week 9.
This weeks guided response task is to create a visual representation comparing your topic (so Mosquitoes/ Martin L. K – specific to your groups text)
You can use programs such as:
Office 365- Reading- What you might like links

Green- Bukit Nature Reserve

Purple Group- Animals Under Threat

Red- Plagues

Blue- The Nelson Mandela Story

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Own Restaurant

Imagine you owned you own restaurant. 
Explain what the restaurant looks like, what you would serve and who works there 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Emotive Language

Emotive language is language (in particular adjectives or adverbs) that relate to or refer to emotions:
Drink Coca-Cola, you'll like it.
I am very happy that you decided to come.
The bike was very tired and sad-looking.
The bike was bright and cheerful-looking.
The girl was skipping joyfully.
Composers use emotive language to create empathy. Empathy is when a person can understand the emotions of another 'to put yourself in another's shoes', so to speak.


Wednesday 5 March 2014

Don't Panic- Independent Task

Focus:  Don’t Panic Response

1. Explain how you might react in a natural disaster.

2. Brainstorm a list of natural disasters.

3. Name the ABC science show that tested families in an emergency.

4. What does the Matthews’s family fill up with water to prepare their house for a bushfire?

a. Bath

b. Kitchen sink

c. Water tank

5. Why is it important to look online or check the radio during a natural disaster?

6. Why might kids be better at coping with a cyclone emergency than adults?

7. It is safe to drive through flood water. True or false?

8. Why is it important to have an emergency plan and be prepared for a disaster?

9. Make a list of items that you would put in an emergency survival kit. Compare it with someone in your group.

What is different?

List differences.  

10. List your school evacuation areas

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Editting- Arms V.S Cups

Using ARM or CUPS, you need to look at your draft piece of writing and either, revise or edit your work using the acronyms above. You may also use color editting to help you.

1-5 Writing prompts

You can select one of the 5 fun writing prompts to write on in today's lesson.
Remember to check your work once you have finished, underline words you may think are wrong in red and check these.
Be sure you also check for L- O-N-G sentences and your punctuation.

  1. Finish this sentence: My superpower is…
  2. Use at least five color words to write a poem titled “A Rainbow of Feelings.”
  3. Describe the grossest lunch you’ve ever eaten.
  4. Who is your evil twin? Write about the mischievous deeds that he/she has done today.
  5. What one thing are you an expert on? Fill one page with information about _________ (your expert topic).

Color Editting

If you write a story, you always have to edit. You have to check spelling, punctuation, grammar, vocabulary and if your story makes sense. Editing is all these things in a story. Editing is one of the most important parts of making a story. Who wants to read a story with every thing not making sense? If you didn't have editing why have a story? At a newspaper, editing is a important job. If punctuation is wrong a reader may not understand it, and if the grammar is wrong then the reader won't get what you are saying.

One way you can edit your paper is by color editing.
Color editing can be done right on your paper using colored pencils or pens, or you can use an overhead transparency and dry erase markers.

Green: Underline every capital letter in green. Then put a green box around every letter that starts a sentence.

Red: Put a red box around the punctuation mark (".", "!" or the "?") at the end of every sentence.
Check: Do the number of green boxes equal the number of red boxes? If they don't, something is wrong - because every beginning of a sentence has to have an ending!

Orange: Circle the word "and" every time you use it in a story. Did you use it too much? Maybe you don't use "and" too much, but what about the word "then" or "like". You know what words you use a lot - so look for those words by circling them in orange.

Blue: Read your story out loud (not too loud if you're in class!) and put a dot above every word AS YOU SAY IT! This will help you find words that you missed.

Black: Read the story backward and look for words that aren't spelled right.

Finally - reread your corrected story! See if it looks right and makes sense.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Problem Solving Strategies

Problem solving involves looking at (often) a worded problem and identifying what the question is actually asking you to solve. There is often alot of words in the problem that may confuse you, so either of these strategies may help you to avoid the confusion

Identifying Author's purpose

Authors write for several reasons.

Many authors write to entertain people and make them laugh.

Authors also write to persuade or convince their readers to believe in something.
Sometimes authors write to inform or teach you about something.

Authors can write:
To entertain
To persuade
To inform

CERES- The EcoHouse

CERES- The EcoHouse

How eco-friendly is your lifestyle?



Friday 28 February 2014

Spring Fires: Blue/ Red Task

Research using FUSE/ internet sites to help you answer these questions in your book.
** Don't write out the question. Just respond and copy the source you used in comments below.

A few sites you may find interesting are:
1. What is unusual about the timing of the recent NSW bushfires?

2. What month did the fires in NSW start?

3. What other Australian states have had devastating bushfires in the past? Locate using Google Maps.

4. What are the peak months for bushfire danger in Australia?

5. Why do big bushfires usually occur later in summer? Give some reasons.

6. List the three factors that contribute to early bushfires.

7. Bushfire risk decreases when one of these factors is removed. True or false?

8. Describe how dry winters and early summers affect bushfires.

9. Think of three adjectives to describe the bushfires in NSW.

10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story about bushfires?

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Spring Fires

It's pretty scary but in Australia it's not so unusual to get the occasional bushfire. But normally it doesn't happen till later in the summer months.

Complete a KWLH chart on Spring Fires.Using information from Bush fires from earlier in week as prior knowledge/ add this to any other knowledge (thoughts/ ideas/facts) you have about the topic of fires.

You are to write what you already know about bushfires and how they might start. --
Name three things you know off the top of your head.

What causes bushfires?

What are the risk factors? Think about fuel, weather and geographical features.
What Australian bushfire disasters do you know about?

Monday 24 February 2014

Quick Maths

Worded Problems #1

Try these. Just Write Worded Problems: Blogger 1 in your book so I know what sheet you are doing.

Blue Group: Label as #2

Tuning in

Sustainability- What does this mean?

What is carbon footprint?

What is the ozone layer?

Where do we get oil from?


Online Games

Snowy is having tons of fun this winter, but he is a little bit lonely when all the kids go home in the evening -

The parents from this town decided that it was too easy getting the candy at the door, so they made an obstacle course around the neighborhood.- Levels within the game-

And plenty more, on

Try them out and let me know which one you found the best and why.

It's extraodinarily fun to write

Well, I think it’s extraordinarily fun to write, and I look forward to it every day, but that doesn’t mean I think it’s easy. There’s a difference between the two. It’s fun in the way all worthwhile things are fun – there’s difficulty attached to it. I think that a writer has to accept a certain amount of frustration. It’s inherent in the task, and you have to simply persevere. It’s part of the definition of the work.


Doubles and Near Doubles

Dinosaur Dentist

Robin Doubles

Robin Doubles beyond 10

Bridge Doubles

Website for Inquiry

Blue/ Red Group Task

Watch the BtN Shark Cull story and summarise the story in your own words. Hold a group discussion and reflect on the issue of culling sharks.

 Are all sharks dangerous?

 Who made the decision to cull sharks?

 Why are sharks being culled?
 Should a shark be killed if it attacks a human? Why?

Bush Fire Plan

The cleanup is underway in New South Wales after the spring bushfires that hit there a couple of weeks ago. Despite the huge damage very few people were hurt or killed. It goes to show how important it is for kids living in danger areas to have a bushfire action plan worked out and ready to go.

Friday 21 February 2014

It's extraodinarily fun to write

Well, I think it’s extraordinarily fun to write, and I look forward to it every day, but that doesn’t mean I think it’s easy. There’s a difference between the two. It’s fun in the way all worthwhile things are fun – there’s difficulty attached to it. I think that a writer has to accept a certain amount of frustration. It’s inherent in the task, and you have to simply persevere. It’s part of the definition of the work.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Guide Dogs

Whats the Time Mr Wolf?


In our world we have digital clocks (they have digits like 0,1,2,3) ...

... and analog clocks (they have hands) ...

Digital Clocks

Digital Clocks show us the time using numbers. The number on the left of the : is Hours, and the number on the right is Minutes:
5 Hours and 8 Minutes
9 Hours and 36 Minutes

Clocks with Hands

Clocks can also use hands to show us the Hours and Minutes. We call them "analog" clocks.
The Little Hand shows the Hours:
2 Hours 5 Hours
The Big Hand shows the Minutes:
30 Minutes
or Half-Past
15 Minutes
or Quarter-Past
Using both the Big Hand and Little Hand lets us know exactly what time it is:
2:30 or
Half-Past Two
5:15 or
Quarter-Past Five


Online Activities

Try these online games to practice your time telling skills :)

Large clock- to change the time in minutes/ half an hour and hour- to test your time reading skills

On Time- move the clock hands to the time written below

Stop the clock- convert/ showing 24 hour time.

Bang on time- stop the clock at the right time written below

Clock Target- Match the clock time to the digital version

Please press reply below if you find any games you like/ would like added to the blog.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Reading- Edmodo links

Blue Group: code: kfd3fa

Red Group: code: gzfr6n


Watch the below clip

Cool Australia Presents Sustainability

Put simply, sustainability means 'enough for everyone, forever'. It describes the ability for things to keep going at the same rate and in just as good condition as before. It is tempting for humans to think that we should be able to do anything we want. Unfortunately nature does not work like this – our planet has limits. Every living system can only take so much use before it starts to weaken and decline. When this decline reaches a tipping point the living system slows down and can never reclaim its former glory. (Source: Cool Australia) 

Your Task: Write interesting facts/ questions you have regarding this clip.
*You may need to watch this a few times

Monday 17 February 2014


When you're on the move, a cold drink can go down a treat. But the convenience of bottles and cans comes at a price to the environment - they often end up on the streets or in landfill. Now some groups reckon Aussies need some encouragement to recycle drink containers and they're looking to one state where that's already happening. Sarah found out more.

Your task: To write a persuasive letter/ piece on recycling 
Do you agree that all states should have a recycling policy? 
What are reasons to not have this policy?
-What about the extra cost involved?
-Consider where the recycling will take place
-Will it cost more money to recycle the old item or is it cheaper to replace it?

Remember: You must know your stance on the issue (agree/ disagree ) and have reasons/ evidence why people should believe you.
Plan your A, B and C reasons
Write introduction using sentence starter/ rhetorical question.
Then begin your paragraphs using 
OREO (opinion, reason, evidence/ example, oreo) or tafe (topic sentence, ask rhetorical, state fact and evidence/ example) 
Remember to extend your paragraphs using evidence, examples and facts ( from sources) to help support your view.

Reel Sport

It's one of the most popular participation sports in Australia but you're unlikely to find it on the back pages of a newspaper. And you'd be hard pressed to name the current world champion. So why is it the sport of fishing so often goes under the radar?

Comment below answering the following question (you may need to research this further)
1. What happens if areas are over fished?
2. How do they monitor who catches what fish?
3. Explain one certain permit/ rule that applies to fishing.
4. What happens if you don't follow that rule?
5. Why do we have these rules?
6. How does this help sustainability? 
7. Research one sport competitor who fishes and tell me one interesting fact (Be sure to copy website address/ url for source information otherwise it will not be posted)